Global Visionary Women Network

Uniting Visionary Women From All Walks Of Life & Nations

Global Visionary Women Network

Global Visionary Women Network (GVWN) is a unique global network and the first of its kind ever set up in Liverpool/UK, with a global perspective and vision, to foster and encourage global empowerment, leadership, and transformation, through the provision of a global platform for national and international collaboration, knowledge exchange and investment opportunities.

The Network will host an annual Women in Leadership Summit, and a Global convention every 2 years; providing members/ambassadors, entrepreneurs, businesses and sponsors with the unique opportunity to connect, share good practices and their vision, and also promote/expand their services and businesses to potential national and international partners and customers.

GVWN was founded by Dr Sylvia Forchap-Likambi, the Founder and CEO of award winning life transforming social enterprise, Voice of Nations cic, and launched on the 8th of March 2014 in honour of International Women’s Day 2014. It was an opportunity to honour the identity, worth and uniqueness of every woman worldwide and unveil the potentials of the visionary woman to the world.
Dr Sylvia Forchap-Likambi have a vision, that someday, every female child worldwide would become aware of their authentic identity, worth and value, and take full control and responsibility of their lives again, regardless of their skin colour, background, culture, religion, or the circumstances surrounding them. They will be able to make fundamental choices and decisions that will shape and determine their lives and destiny, and not let man or society shape and determine these for them.